Genetic Drift Regularization: on preventing Actor Injection from breaking Evolution Strategies

Authors: Paul Templier, Emmanuel Rachelson, Antoine Cully, Dennis G. Wilson

Published in IEEE CEC 2024, 2024

Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) have been successfully used for the optimization of neural networks for policy search, but they still remain sample inefficient and underperforming in some cases compared to gradient-based reinforcement learning (RL). Various methods combine the two approaches, many of them training a RL algorithm on data from EA evaluations and injecting the RL actor into the EA population. However, when using Evolution Strategies (ES) as the EA, the RL actor can drift genetically far from the the ES distribution and injection can cause a collapse of the ES performance. Here, we highlight the phenomenon of genetic drift where the actor genome and the ES population distribution progressively drift apart, leading to injection having a negative impact on the ES. We introduce Genetic Drift Regularization (GDR), a simple regularization method in the actor training loss that prevents the actor genome from drifting away from the ES. We show that GDR can improve ES convergence on problems where RL learns well, but also helps RL training on other tasks, , fixes the injection issues better than previous controlled injection methods.

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